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More melanoma specific structures:


Blue-white veil

Blue-white veils can be seen in blue naevi, spitz naevi, hyperpigmented seborrhoeic keratoses and combined naevi. When the veil is homogenous throughout the lesion it is consistent with a blue naevus. An irregular blue-white veil is more consistent with melanoma.












A blue-white veil can also appear in regression in macular areas of a lesion.












Chrysalis-like structures

These are linear white streaks only seen in polarising dermoscopy caused from altered collagen. They can also appear in other lesions including BCCS, DFs and spitz naevi.











Polymorphic blood vessels

The presence of a combination of blood vessel morphology can be found in melanomas. The combination of dot vessels and linear irregular vessels is particularly suggestive.

























Melanomas II

Homogenous blue-white veil of a blue naevus.

A blue-white veil in a melanoma in-situ. Also notice the atypical network and fine granular pigment.

Irregular blue-white veil in a melanoma.

Shiny white linear structures  (chrysalis-like structures).

A combination of dot vessels, looped vessels and linear irregular vessels in a melanoma.

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