Dr Ben Esdaile
Consultant Dermatologist
Melanomas I
Melanoma specific structures:
Atypical pigment network
The lines of a normal network should be uniform with similar widths and holes. Benign reticular naevi tend to fade towards the periphery whereas melanomas tend to be more abrupt.
Irregular dots and globules
Dots can be found in benign naevi usually centrally and overlying network lines. Irregular dots and globules are found in melanoma.
Peripheral streaks
Streaks are formed from confluent junctional nests. They are found around the entire border in spitz naevi. Irregular streaks are highly suggestive of melanoma.
Inverse network
A white network usually found eccentrically place in melanoma. Can be found in benign naevi.
Click here for more melanoma specific structures
Streaks around the whole periphery of a spitz (Reed) naevus.
An atypical pigment network - broadening of the network at 7 o'clock.
Asymmetrical dots and globules in a 0.85mm SSMM. Also showing a blue-white veil.

Peripheral streaks in a 1.5mm SSMM.

A white inverse network aroung pigment globules in a 0.5mm SSMM.