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Benign naevi - dermoscopic patterns.

Reticular naevi:

These moles have a regular network that fades towards the edge. They can have muli-focal varients. This is a common pattern in acquired naevi and congential naevi.











A regular peripheral network and central homogenous pale area is a naevus pattern often found in Fitzpatrick skin type I/II. A darker central homogenous pattern is seen in darker skin types.




A homogenous pattern can be seen in acquired naevi and congential naevi as well as blue naevi. When homogenous pink pattern beware the amelanotic melanoma.










Symmetrical globules throughout the naevus are found in a 'cobblestone' pattern in dermal naevi. Globular patterns are also commonly found in congenital naevus.











A regular peripheral network with central globules. When there is a central reticular network with peripheral globules (single layer) then this represents an evolving naevus.

























A regular reticular naevus

A single row of peripheral globules in an evolving naevus.

A globular naevus.

© 2014 by Dr B Esdaile

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